Innovation Team

Innovation Team
We exist to resource the church towards spiritual renewal,
multiplicative disciple making, and global and local mission.  

Doug Balzer

Director of Innovation

​403-265-7900 ext. 212

Sarah Hunter

Discipling Environments Catalyst

​403-265-7900 ext. 211

Nick Kadun

Domestic Mission Catalyst

403-265-7900 ext. 209

Jerin Thomas

Global Mission ​Catalyst

403-265-7900 ext. 216

This team is dedicated to catalyzing research, innovation, and leader development to advance and integrate the Big 3 priorities among our churches and leaders with the following mandate:

To catalyze the church

to make multiplying disciples of Jesus who,

In the empowerment of the Holy Spirit,

partner in the Father’s mission

of redeeming the entire world .

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