Peer Coaching Meeting - Connect

- 8/30/2022

One simple question might be “What’s a word or phrase that describes your world since we last connected?” After the person shares, give them two minutes to unpack their word.

You could ask, questions around the vision prayer such as, “How have you been living as a Christ-centred, Spirit Empowered and Mission Focused Person?” You could ask questions around the “Big 3” such as “What has it meant for you to invest in making disciples this past month?”

You could ask questions around spiritual disciplines such as, “What disciplines have been most life-giving for you since we last met?”

Highlight, learnings and struggles are all welcome. You can also ask or invite follow-up/updates on issues that have been recently discussed in the last peer coaching - did things go after your peer coaching session when we met last?

Once everyone has started their Personal Playbook, you can also ask for a brief update on progress, challenges, and struggles.

After sharing, pray for one another.

Here are some additional questions:

  1. What is one thing you can remove from your life that would improve it?
  2. What do you wish you had the courage to do? How can you take the first step?
  3. If someone could only see your actions and not hear your words, what would they say are your priorities?
  4. Over the last 10 years, what has become more important to you? What has become less important?
  5. Are you climbing the right mountain?
  6. What are you avoiding just because you know the answer is painful?
  7. In what ways are you a difficult person to work with? What can you learn from that?
  8. Which projects give me energy? Which projects takes it away?
  9. Are you proud of what I am choosing to do?
  10. Which people give you energy? Which people take it away?
  11. What is something that feels productive to you in the moment, but usually ends up wasting time and energy?
  12. Which of my current habits serves me most? Which serves me least?
  13. Are you being good to yourself?
  14. What are you avoiding just because the desired outcome would take longer than you would like?

From James Clear